Your mission was NOT successful. We only asked you to nuke a dam and come back in one piece. Your mission was NOT successful. The plant is still intact. Your mission was NOT successful. You didn't destroy enough of the facility. Your mission was NOT successful. You had a B-57, what happened? Your mission was NOT successful. The terrorists WERE successful. Your mission was NOT successful. See if we let you protect any more nuclear power plants. Your mission was NOT successful. The enemy plane(s) escaped. Your mission was NOT successful. Some enemy helicopters escaped. Your mission was NOT successful. The bridge was left standing. Your mission was NOT successful. The bridge was left standing. Your mission was NOT successful. The factory is still intact. Your mission was NOT successful. The factory is still intact. Your mission was NOT successful. Some of the enemy planes escaped. Your mission was NOT successful. The refinery was destroyed. Your mission was NOT successful. The enemy transport landed safely. Your mission was NOT successful. The SCUD missiles were launched. Your mission was NOT successful. The factory was destroyed. Your mission was NOT successful. Your base was destroyed. Your mission was NOT successful. The chemical plant is still intact. Your mission was NOT successful. The defector was shot down. Your mission was NOT successful. Your base and all your friends were destroyed. Your mission was NOT successful. The B-52 was not protected. Your mission was NOT successful. Some of the helicopters escaped. Your mission was NOT successful. The chemical weapons plant is still intact. Your mission was NOT successful. Your aircraft was not returned to your base. Your mission was NOT successful. The laborotory is still intact. Your mission was NOT successful. Captain Wilkens was killed. Your mission was NOT successful. The refinery is still intact.